
My College Packing List!!!

I know there are so many college packing lists out there, but I struggled to find one that fit my needs and wants. I will be living in a modular dorm this fall at Texas A&M. This means I share my room and bathroom with one roommate, yay no community style for me!! We are also given four closets for the two of us, so I'll be given a bit more storage room than usual. The only real downside to my dorm is there is no kitchen in my room or community kitchen in the dorm hall, so I'll be eating in the dining hall or making things in the microwave a lot. Side Note: Anyone who knows me, knows I love lists and they're usually super detailed so be ready for a long list. I know some of what is on here is optional, but this is what I came up when I began shopping for my dorm room. I also know that what I need/want might not be something that is essential for you. I just haven't seen a list out there like this one, so I thought I would make it available to y'all!! Bed-

Advice to High School Seniors

As the summer before my first year of college comes to a close, I would like to share what I've learned this past year as I ended a chapter in my life and began a new one. Bear with me as I rant a little bit here. For most of y'all, seniors, you will probably only be taking 5 classes a day and some of you will be out of school by lunch time. Don't waste your afternoon goofing off and avoiding your homework, even though you're a senior and feel invincible trust me there will be that one teacher that will fail you. Spend time with your friends and other seniors you don't normally hang out with because after graduation you won't see most of those people for awhile, if ever again. I know everyone tells you this, but it's true. I've met and talked to more people going to college with me this summer, who I've never met before, than I've seen or even talked to high school friends. Apply to colleges early and the second you get admitted apply for

Growing Up

Growing up most young girls find that they want to look up to their fathers for support and life advice. However, there are many, including me, who grow up fearing their father and his temper. I know by no means that I can compare my childhood to others, but I hope to show that you're not alone in anything you face and even though it's real life there are still good(ish) endings to most stories. Waking up to yelling, slamming doors, and glass breaking was very common during my childhoo d. I got to the point where it was almost annoying. Seeing my father hit my mom was something I began to see more times than I even want to remember. However, I didn't know any different , my parents actions were all I knew . I thought that this was normal for parents to fight and for it to always escalate to where it got out of hand. It didn't begin to dawn on me that something was seriously wrong until my 8th grade year, when one day at church there was a lesson on how people in r

This Past Year

This past year for me has been a crazy roller coaster of ups and downs. But as I begin to settle back down and get ready for college, I would like to give a brief recap on the year so far.  I began this year as a high school senior trying her best to stay at the top of her class and constantly worrying about grades and homework. Looking back I know I could've worried a lot less had I listened to my mom (listen to your mom kids she is actually sometimes smart). In May, I graduated valedictorian of my class and was able to prove a lot of people wrong (I'm a very competitive person). Through all the school stress there was also some family problems as well. A topic I will discuss further at a later date. I'm just glad to have high school behind me and college, debt, and more stress in front of me (it never ends huh!?). I will be attending Texas A&M with (hopefully) a major in engineering (fingers crossed I have what it takes).  On the other hand so far this year, my fa